Hi Folks,

We are in a digital world today and the technology is evolving every day at a breakneck pace. Additions are being made to enhance the system’s current capabilities from time to time. One such enhancement was done to the Java language when the version was upgraded to version 8 on March 18, 2014. 

In this blog, I will highlight major reasons for Java 8.

1. Concise and minimal code: Java 7 code could be verbose and difficult to read. Java 8 aimed to introduce features that would make code more concise and easier to understand.

2. Functional programming benefits: Java is an object-oriented programming language, but it lacks the benefits of functional programming. Java 8 introduced features that allow programmers to have functional programming paradigms.

3. Enable parallel programming: Modern processors have multiple cores and can execute multiple instructions simultaneously. Java 8 introduced features that make it easier to write parallel programs that can take advantage of these multicore processors.

The above information talks about the reasons why Java 8 was required. Below are a few features that are introduced in Java 8:

  1. Lambda Expressions
  2. Stream API
  3. Date and Time API
  4. Base64 Encoding and Decoding
  5. Default Methods in Interfaces
  6. Functional Interfaces
  7. Optional Class
  8. Input/Output Improvements
  9. Collections Improvements

I will talk about each feature in detail in my upcoming blogs. Stay tuned and comment if you are watching this space.

I will also create a series of blogs on the basics of Java. Let’s learn and grow together.

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